About Us
Each month, we’ll go behind the scenes with one of our amazing employees here at R.W. Murray Co. For February, we get to know Pete Elliot, one of our Superintendents, a little better!
Pete Elliot
Position at RWM: Superintendent
Years at RWM: 19
Favorite Food: T-Bone steak
Favorite App: Words with Friends
Favorite Sports Team: Washington Nationals & Washington Capitals
Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Favorite Author: Robert Ludlum
Hidden Talents: Pretty good at puzzles and golf
Motto or Personal Mantra: Life is too short, do it now
One item you’d bring to a desert island: A boat
If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?: My mom, for a cup of coffee. She left this world way too soon.
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery? House on the Atlantic Ocean
What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years? Be proactive. Don’t put things off whether work or in life away from work.
What is the best part about working at R.W. Murray Co.?
The people who support and encourage each other to be successful, the best they can be, day in and day out. Friends whether at work or at play.
I chose the construction industry because?
It’s a hands-on industry where you can see the results of your effort after each complete project.
What is your proudest moment at R.W. Murray Co.?
There have been a handful of projects that I am very proud of, but being able to celebrate 20 years with this great group will be the proudest.
How do you balance your career at R.W. Murray Co. and family?
Obviously family is most important, but you can’t support the family without a successful career. You have to be intuitive and flexible with your focus.
If you could switch your job with anyone else within R.W. Murray Co., whose job would you want?
Our previous owner, Bill Fairchild. He is comfortably retired, spends all of his time with family and friends. He plays golf everyday and hangs out at the beach.