About Us
Each month, we’ll go behind the scenes with one of our amazing employees here at R.W. Murray Co. For October, we get to know Fred Potter, one of our Superintendents, a little better!
Fred Potter
Position at RWM: Superintendent
Years at RWM: 10 months
Favorite food: Frog Legs
Favorite app: Google Maps
Favorite sports team: All of the Washington teams
Favorite movie: Lion King
Favorite author: Gary Paulson
Hidden talents: Wood working
Motto or personal mantra: Trust but verify
One item you’d bring to a desert island: A fishing rod
If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be? Bill Dance
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery? A ton of property
What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years? Good things don’t always happen overnight
What is the best part about working at R.W. Murray Co.?
The atmosphere on site and at the office.
I chose the construction industry because?
I’m a hands-on person and love seeing the start to finish transformation process.
What is your proudest moment at R.W. Murray Co.?
Being the sole Superintendent on my first project and finishing it.
How do you balance your career at R.W. Murray Co. and family?
The hours are great and R.W. Murray gives me more than an ample amount of days off to fit family and work in together.